Meet Tara

Tara Masterson CRM

Certified Reiki Master

Certified Crystal Energy Worker 

Certified Level 1 Sound Bath Practitioner 

My First Encounter with Reiki

I discovered Reiki in 2003 from a friend gifting me a complementary treatment. During the session some childhood trauma came up that I could feel physically in my body, while at the same time receiving this overwhelming sense of love from spirit and my practitioner. Afterwards, I was so dumbfounded that one session could help me start the process of healing.  This started an ember that would years later grow into a huge bonfire. 

My Journey & Awakening

My love for all things metaphysical grew through my curiosity and wanting to experience that peaceful love. Life got busy and hectic as it can while being a working wife and mother, so from my first session I just kept dabbling with this burning ember for more knowledge on Reiki and other healing modalities. 

Then in 2014 I went through a separation from my husband and moved back to the Monterey Area to be closer to family. Becoming a single mom and working my booty off I started some toxic behaviors. Through the love of my children and close friends I knew I needed to change and I had this overwhelming desire to feel the healing of Reiki again.  My soul was calling me to do more. I reached out to, a now dear friend, who was an Energy Healer and my ember began to burn stronger and stronger. She truly changed my life and inspired me to help others the way she helped and continues to help me on this journey. 

My Call to Service

I am committed to the development and advancement of my spiritual gifts by continuing to attend courses and workshops. I am passionate about helping and guiding others on their spiritual path by helping them to tune into their own innate healing abilities, intuition/inner knowing and giving them tools to work with for their own spiritual and healing journey.

As a Reiki Practitioner, I have knowledge on using oils, crystals, sage and candles to unlock the client's full potential energetically along with Reiki. 

I work to create a safe and compassionate environment for you to help you feel light, balanced, in alignment, release pain, and live a more relaxed life. Reiki heals the patient emotionally, physically, mentally, and spiritually. I work on all the chakras for alignment and positive energy. 
